Most people think that having a big neck is purely genetic. That it is a gift of the gods or something isolated to wrestlers, fighters, and powerlifters. The reality is, everyone can, and should have a strong neck. For one, it is definitely an aesthetically pleasing look. It makes you look tougher, stronger and makes you look in incredible T-shirt shape, time to break out those V necks! It also though, has a lot of functional use. A strong neck can come in handy in most sports, as well as daily life. So whether you’re an athlete, a bodybuilder or an average citizen who likes to look good, having a big, strong neck is important, but you already knew that. So let’s get into the reason you are here, let’s talk about the neck workout that will get you a big and strong neck.
In summary, here is what you will learn in this article.
- You can strengthen your neck with little to no equipment. This can be accomplished by doing Neck-ups and Neck Bridges also referred to as the wrestler bridge.
- There are tons of neck training equipment out there, the best, or at least most popular of which, is the standard neck harness and the plate load machine.
- You can often train your neck indirectly with compound lifts and bodybuilding exercises focused on your shoulders. The exercises that work your neck are the deadlift, should press, lateral raise, shoulder shrugs, and upright row.
Now that we know that, let's dive into detail.
Neck Workouts You Can Do At Home With No Equipment
The beautiful thing about neck workouts is they don’t require expensive equipment. While there are things you can buy to help you, first let’s focus on the neck workout you can do at home that doesn’t require equipment.
The Neck Up
This is a neck workout that is applicable to beginners and veterans alike. It is a simple version of the neck workout and can be done using only a bench or anything else you can hang your head off including a bed, couch, chair, etc. I call this workout the “sit-ups for the neck” because that is basically what you will be doing.
How to Do It
You lay down your back on a bench and push yourself out so that your head is hanging off the end and the only thing touching the bench are the back your shoulders down. Let the weight of your head weigh you down and you will now be seeing everything upside down. From there, simply bring your chin to your chest until it touches it or you can’t go any further, then go back down and repeat. Make sure your back remains flat at all times and you’re only using your neck to do this.
Here is a quick graphic showing how it’s done. Personally, I do my neck ups on my back, but you can also do the reverse neck up off your chest to get the back of your neck as well.
Some people like to add weight plates on their heads for extra resistance but I do not see it as necessary. Getting enough reps in will help you increase the neck size while keeping the risk of injury to a minimum. Your body doesn’t know weight it only knows resistance and if you do enough reps you will get the necessary resistance to build the muscle.
The Neck Up Workout
Now that you know how to do it, here is the workout you can do one of these options:
- 5 Sets of 50 Reps - 1 minute breaks
- 5 sets to absolute failure - rest as needed
Personally, I always prefer to go to failure but it will be up to you and how you currently optimize your bodybuilding routine. If you're a fighter, do it daily.
Neck Bridges, the Holy Grail of Neck Training
Neck Bridges are also known as Wrestler’s bridges and with good reason. While many fighters do neck bridges, from boxing to MMA, wrestlers are the ones who made the big, strong neck popular. They're also the inventors of THE most powerful neck workout there is the neck bridge. The neck bridge is the ultimate neck training exercise because not only does it work every part of your neck but it builds every aspect of your neck, from aesthetics, to function, to endurance.
How to Do It
To explain it in words can be difficult so here is a video of a man who made the Neck Bridge famous, Mike Tyson:
That, in a nutshell, is how you do it. You can do it in sets and reps, or just time it the way Tyson did. Mike Tyson basically timed 3 sets of 10 minutes. Once you actually get down to do this you will realize how strong your neck has to be to do that for 10 minutes. You can also learn more about Mike Tyson’s workout here.
The Neck Bridge Workout
When doing neck bridges it’s really up to whatever you can handle. There are three ways to do it, you can pick either format below and adjust it to your level of endurance.
- Timed rounds - One way to do it is to set a time limit, and do a few rounds of it. So say neck bridges for 5 minutes straight (or whatever you can handle), and do that three times either in a workout or back to back. This is how Mike Tyson did his Neck Bridge workout.
- To Failure - Another option is either doing one round to failure, or multiple rounds to failure.
- Sets and Reps - the 3rd way is the typical bodybuilding Sets/Reps routine. Pick a comfortable number of reps, and do 5 sets of it. I.e. 50 reps, 5 sets, with each rep counting as one back and forth motion.
This is the best workout that you can do for your neck if it's strong enough. If you're just starting out, try the neck-up first, then move on to this.
However, if you prefer to use the equipment, keep reading.
Neck Training With Equipment
You really don’t need equipment to train your neck, but, you don’t need equipment to build a nice body either, that doesn't mean though, that it isn’t nice to have. Sure pushups work the chest, but sometimes the bench can be fun and just as effective(if not more). The neck is no exception to that rule. There is equipment out there, some of which is popular and affordable, and some of which you’ve never heard of but can be good for you.
Neck Harness with Weight Plate
This is the most popular neck training tool and is often seen being used by Floyd Mayweather, Anthony Joshua, and a few other fighters. While I prefer to stick to bodyweight neck training methods, I have personally used it and have seen great success with it.
It is simple enough, you buy the neck harness, it will run you between $25 and $50, then attach it to a weight of your choice. Normally a standard Olympic style weight plate will do the job.
Once you’ve done that, you put it over your head and get to work.
The best way to approach this exercise is by sets and reps. Although you can do it till failure.
- 5 sets to failure
- 5 sets of 10 reps at a weight you can handle.
If you’ve never trained your neck before, start with a small weight, as low as 5 pounds, to see how you can take it.
Here is a quick clip of Floyd neck training:
You can get your own set on Amazon affordably here:
The 4 Way Neck Harness With Resistance Bands
The other option is a tool called the neck flex. I haven’t personally used it so I can't say how effective it is but it definitely looks like it’s worth looking into. The concept is simple, it's a neck harness that has attachments on each side, which will allow you to equip a resistance band to your side of preference and gives you the ability to work on all four sides of your neck.
Here is a quick image showing how it works:
You can also check them out on their website.
Plate Load Neck Machine
Across some gyms across the country, there is a rarely spotted mythical creature that can help you achieve your neck fitness goals. It is called the Plate Load Neck Machine. For whatever reason, gyms have every machine you can imagine, for your chest, for your shoulders, every angle of your legs, and even your calves, but they almost never have a machine for your neck, despite the technology being readily available.
So what is the next best option?
Buy one for yourself. The plate load neck machine allows you to add plates for resistance and work your neck from every angle from a sitting position. It has great reviews and rarely, can be spotted in gyms, mostly MMA gyms where wrestlers frequent.
The machine itself isn’t cheap, but it isn’t unreasonably pricey either.
If you’d like one, you can buy one on Amazon below:
To train your neck with this, hit each side 3 times, one after the other.
1 set will hit an X number of reps on each side, then rest.
Do that circuit 3 times.
Or you can just focus on the front to back motion and that will take care of your left and right sides as well.
Iron Neck Machine
Now I am throwing this one in here just to make you aware of it but I have also never used it, and personally wouldn’t spend the money on it. However, it’s good for you to be aware of it just in case you want to try something like this. If you do, let me know how it goes. While it looks cool, I am definitely a man of simplicity.
Neck Workout Through Weight Training
If you're a lifter than you may have unintentionally been training your neck. A lot of powerlifting and bodybuilding moves that work your shoulders and upper back, influence the size and strength of your neck. If you’ve ever seen powerlifters, they have some of the most impressive necks that belong to humans on this planet, outside of wrestlers. Part of this reason is that most powerlifting moves attribute to neck size, the other part is that their dirty little secret is that they actually do often target the neck.
The following are all good exercises to support a neck workout. I say support because you don't want to do these alone if your target goal is to maximize the strength and size in your neck. However, these absolutely should be implemented in your routine.
Shoulder Press
What’s more manly than grabbing a ton of weight and pushing it straight up into the heavens. Letting out a big scream to show off your accomplishment, and to prevent your lungs from collapsing under all that pressure. The shoulder press is one of the best compound lifts you can do for your neck. It helps work your shoulder, traps, your core, and of course your neck.
Since most of these are going to be powerlifting moves, we’re going to focus on the typical 5x5 regimen.
So pick a weight you can do 5 times in each set, and do 5 sets of it.
Go hard or go home.
The deadlift is another workout that can help you can a huge neck and this is due to the strain that it puts on your traps. When you pull the weight up, your traps are under a lot of strain to keep you upright and keep your shoulders in place. During this time your traps are being torn and getting ready to be rebuilt and to grow. The heavier you can go without injury, the better for your growth. So if the deadlift isn’t already part of your workout, then add it to back day.
The same bet here, 5 sets, 5 reps, go heavy or go home, and if you workout at home, go heavy anyway.
Shoulder Shrugs
Any workout that will work on your traps will work your neck and give you that Tom Hardy Bronson/Warrior/Bane look. While we can all probably agree he is genetically predisposed to those traps, it doesn't mean that working on them won’t get you there.
For this workout whether you want to use the barbell, or individual dumbbells or the trap bar, just pick up some heavyweight and shrug away, making sure to squeeze and hold on top.
Same here, 5 sets but a rep range of 8 to 15, or in my preference, to failure.
Lateral Raises
More shoulder work! Worst case if you don’t get the neck you want you will at least have some huge shoulders when it’s all said and done. I'm kidding, of course, don’t worry, you will get a big neck. The next workout that you should be doing already anyway, is lateral raises.
You grab a pair of dumbbells, leave them at your side, and then lift them like you are a bird flapping your wings.
Do 5 sets, 8 to 10 reps. Leave this for shoulder day.
Upright Row
Some may disagree, but based on personal experience, this is the best trap workout there is. When I did this consistently I have seen my trap size increased dramatically, and influenced my neck size as well.
Here is a snapshot of how you do it.
3 to 5 sets, 8 to 10 reps.
Neck Strengthening Exercises and Workouts
Now that you know the different types of exercises you can do for your neck, let’s talk about the actual workouts you can do to strengthen your neck depending on what your situation is and what you are training for.
Best Neck Workout For Beginners
If you’ve never really trained your neck or just starting to train, then you will want to stick to the simplest workout in this case that has the lowest risk of injury, but can still and 1 to 2 inches to your neck when done consistently.
The Neck Up Workout
The way I recommend doing it is setting a daily goal of reps you want to do then do each set to failure until you get to, or beyond that number. Increase the number of total reps you do in a workout daily. Then track your neck size as you go.
Here is an example of a chart you can use, you can download it here: Neck Log. This way you can track your daily reps, your goals, and your neck size as it improves.
Within a month of doing this, you should be able to add some good size to your neck and you will see it looking a lot more solid.
The Best Neck Workout for Fighting, Football, Wrestling, Boxing, and MMA
If you belong to any one of those sports then you absolutely need a strong neck. If you had to pick absolutely one workout you should do the Wrestler Bridge. This workout will work every aspect of your neck from strength, size, flexibility, endurance, and aesthetics in every direction possible. Luckily though, we don’t have to pick just one so I’ll leave it up to you. The top 5 recommended for you guys is the neck-up(wit weight), the bridge, the harness, PlateLoad Machine, and the compound lifts.
For you guys, I recommend training the neck daily.
Here are the workouts:
The Neck Workout for Bodybuilders
Now when I say “bodybuilders” I don’t mean just the guys who want to compete on stage. I mean the guys who want to train daily to look like Greek Gods, whether it's for self, for ladies(or lads), and whatever other motivation you may have. The rules do change a bit because you aren’t just looking for function, but also want to maximize your aesthetics. Because of this, you want to rest your neck. So I recommend working it, at the maximum, every other day.
For you guys you can have the pick of the litter, you can do any workout on the list, the one I recommend is neck bridge or plate load machine. On top of that make sure to do the following supporting exercises on shoulder and back day.
- Deadlift
- Shoulder Press
- Upright Row
- Later Raises
- Shrugs
Give these exercises and extra go on shoulder and back day.
Why a Big Neck? Benefits of Neck Strengthening Workouts
The benefit of a big and strong neck is more than a few. Outside of it helping you perform better as an athlete or protecting you from impact in football or boxing, it also has some daily life benefits.
Protects Your Head From Concussions and Injuries
Most practitioners of sports like football, boxing, MMA are at risk of suffering concussions. While there is no way to 100% avoid it when you're exposing yourself to such an impact, there are ways to minimize it. Scientists have done tests of impacts that have collars on the necks and have seen the risk of concussion reduced on impact. This is because the concussion happens when the motion happens and having a stronger neck can reduce the impact that your brain takes by keeping your head in place when impact happens.
Also, over 2,000,000 people suffer from whiplash a year as a result of car accidents. That is the risk of something that can absolutely be reduced by having a strong neck as you will be more capable of taking that kind of force and preventing a serious injury in the body.
Can Help You Take a Punch
Since this is a site for fighters and fight fans, we couldn't avoid mentioning this. A strong neck has been historically known to help you take a punch and recently science has helped us prove it. A lot of times knockouts happen because a punch jerks your head so fast that your brain bounces back and forth and puts your lights out. Fighters like Mike Tyson, Floyd Mayweather, James Toney, Rocky Marciano, Evander Holyfield, and many more have been known to train their neck to help with the absorption of punches.
Aesthetic Benefits of Neck Training
Outside of it helping you in sports and dangerous situations like car accidents and street fights, it also has aesthetics benefits that you will reap the rewards of.
Get Rid of Double Chin
If you suffer from the double chin regardless of how much weight you lost, then training your neck is the absolute solution. If you're not overweight but still suffer from a double chin then you need to strengthen your neck. The double chin comes from the loose skin around your face and neck that can be tightened up from a simple daily neck up the workout.
T-Shirt Shape
A lot of people don’t want to put in the effort to look like a Greek statue, however, most people do want to look good in a T-shirt, men especially. To look good in a T-shirt you need a good chest, good shoulders, nice arms and the almost always forgotten, big neck. For whatever reason, the neck is left out of the bodybuilding routine even though it is one of the most aesthetically pleasing muscles, especially when wearing a T-shirt. Nothing is worse than seeing a good-looking face, a good looking body, separated by a pencil neck. When is the last time you looked at a stick figure and said: “wow that’s sexy.”
More Masculine, More Intimidating
Fellas, if you gain the right amount of size in your neck you absolutely will look more masculine and more intimidating, which is a good thing. All the ladies love the square jaw look, and if you don’t genetically have one, the next best thing you can do is get a big neck. We’ve seen guys like Tom Hardy go through transformations and a neck adds a ton to the “handsomeness” of a face.
So if being a bad*** wasn’t enough reason to build a strong neck, then maybe being sexy will motivate you more.
Neck Workout Motivation - The World’s Most Legendary Necks
If all this talk of function and aesthetics didn’t get you going, then here is a quick slideshow of the world’s most legendary necks.
Recommended Neck Training Products
I mentioned a few of these in the article, but here are the options I recommend getting for a good neck workout that you can do at home. The neck harness will need a plate, the mat is for neck bridges and the machine is if you are willing to spend a little to get good results.
Here they are, best place to get them is amazon below:
Get to Work
All that is left to do now is to get to work. Use these neck strengthening exercises and achieve your goals of getting world titles, or getting the attention of world class ladies(or lads). There are too many benefits to a big and strong neck not to pursue it as part of your workout regimen. Try these out and let me know which one is your favorite.
If you have any thoughts or questions drop me a comment below.
Brawl all day!
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