Everyone wants to be a badass, but not everyone has what it takes. If you’ve landed on this article then you definitely have the alpha man or lady mindset. No “normal” person wants to know how to do 1,000 pushups a day. It is definitely an elite club and a few of histories badasses have confirmed to do this. Guys like Mike Tyson, who needs no introduction and guys like Bronson, one of the worlds most feared(and expensive) prisoners, Herschel Walker, the football player turned MMA fighter, and the Great Gama, who have all been known to have an insane push-up regimen at one point or another.
So, you’re already a badass in mind, but you want to be a badass physically. No matter where you are in your daily pushup regimen, this routine will help you get to 1,000 pushups in one workout and help you do it fairly fast.
Using this method, I was able to do 1,000 pushups in 25 minutes.
If you want to jump straight to the workout, click here:
But first, let’s talk about what will happen when you do 1,000 pushups a day:
What Will Happen to You
There are a few things you can expect to happen when doing your daily 1,000 pushup routine. The good news is you won’t have to wait until you hit the magic 1,000 before you start feeling the benefits. You will definitely reap the rewards on your journey there as well.
You Will Be Stronger
Strength definitely increases and you feel it fairly quickly. Don't listen to the "brosters" online who say “just lift weights” and that this “doesn't work.” Most of them haven't tried doing this and 100% have never done it consistently. Weights are a completely different workout and there is a reason athletes, more specifically fighters, like calisthenics. You will start feeling stronger about two weeks into your routine and it's an awesome feeling. You will feel more explosive and everyday things like carrying a case of water will be easier.
You Will Feel Much More Solid
You can definitely expect to feel denser in your upper body. Your arms, back, chest, shoulders, and even your core will begin to strengthen. You will have an overall harder look and feel. It’s a good feeling to grab your arm when you are stretching and feel that you’re making progress and your body is becoming more fit. Trust me you will be stretching a lot.
You Will Look “Pumped”
You know when you leave the gym and you got THE pump and you just wish you looked like that all the time. Well after a few weeks you will start to look like you’re walking around with a pump all day long. The downside is this only maintains when you do it daily. Once you stop doing it daily you will lean out a little but the pump is real when done on a daily basis.
You WILL be sore
A lot of people ask if they’re going to be sore, of course, you are. However, don't think that this means “overtraining.” Too many gym rats these days base everything off of what they read and not enough from personal experimentation. We even read protein shake reviews instead of just giving things a go and seeing how we react to them. Workout culture has changed to be less experimental and more risk minimization but that leads the way to a lack of innovation.
Back on topic: you will be sore and its 100% okay. You can expect to be sore pretty bad your first week but it does become more manageable after that. Just don't stop! It gets easier as you progress.
Your Body Will Lean Out
Depending on your body type, you may even start to see cuts coming in, but regardless of your body type, you will definitely have a more lean look.
You Will Want to Quit
After a few weeks on your journey to 1,000, especially once you get there, you will want to stop. This workout is harder mentally than it is physically. Pushing yourself through that moment of “I don’t want to do this” is what makes the magic happen. Your mind will definitely start playing tricks on you and you will want to make every excuse to stop. Some will include:
- I got bored
- I think I feel an injury coming
- I want to try something new
- I’ve already mastered this
- What else is there?
Most of these are laziness or the need for novelty talking. I always say motivation is the curse that kills consistency. Discipline is what trumps motivation and makes progress possible.
On the other side of what I want to quit is …
You will feel your confidence increase. Not just because you're demolishing your goals daily but because you will feel your body getting into better shape and your hormones surging.
How to Do 1,000 Pushups a Day
You can just get down and start doing pushups every day, add a few every day and eventually, you will get to your 1,000 mark. However, this may not be the most efficient way to do things. If you’re like most of us, time is something that’s hard to come by so we want to get you to a point where you’re doing 1,000 pushups in under an hour, or better, under 30 minutes.
Step 1: Create a Tracker
Tracking will be absolutely VITAL for this. You want to see yourself increasing in amount every day and see how hard you need to push next round. This serves as great motivation and makes sure you’re upping the amount daily.
Here is a sample of the tracker I used that I created in the Numbers app on Mac. To save yourself the time you can download it here:
What I did was just set some realistic daily goals for pushups and left the section for “Actual” and Time completed blank to fill in every day. It’s important to not overestimate yourself here and set some realistic goals. You can either recreate your own version in Windows Excel or Numbers on Mac or just print this version out and put it up on your fridge. Here is an example of what my progression looked like.
Disclaimer: Don't let my goals and actuals be your standard. Adjust based on your capabilities. At this point, it wasn't my first time doing a pushup regimen so you will see me progress rather quickly. Make sure you gauge yourself based on your ability whether it's more or less. I suggest setting modest goals and demolishing them, rather than setting unrealistic goals and falling behind.
You will see I gave myself a break before I knew what I was capable of hitting the same number daily so I can have time to progress at a certain pace.
To make sure you increase daily, set a first-week goal below what you are currently physically capable of. If you don't know what that is, start two days before the date on the tracker and see how many pushups you can do, for how long, using the method we will describe below to get an idea of where your goals need to start. It’s important to do this before you create the tracker because you don't want to ruin momentum once you get going, it will be an everyday grind.
Step 2 - What You’ll Need, Gathering the Goods
As far as work out equipment goes all you need is a floor. However, there some tools that you will need for tracking purposes.
- A Stopwatch - I use my iPhone for this and just let the time run and clock it once the entire workout is complete. Make sure you have something that makes the time visible the entire time, this will be important.
- A Note Pad - Digital or paper is fine, but you want to write down how many pushups you did after each set and always save it so you can compare how your sets are progressing day after day. I had my previous day set in front of me so that I can make sure I either match or top them.
- The Tracker - Make sure you have this on hand after each workout and complete it before you even take a sip of your water.
- Your balls - Figuratively speaking of course because we are not leaving the ladies out of this one. This workout takes heart, so make sure you leave that quitter mentality out of it and come to crush it.
Step 3 - The Workout
We want to try and get these sets done as quickly as possible. The level of fitness when you’re starting will absolutely determine how fast you will be able to get to 1,000. That being said, this workout is for beginners and vets, so no matter where you’re starting, you will be able to get to 1,000. On my first day, I was only able to do 120 pushups in 7 minutes.
The best and most efficient way that I found to do push-ups is Every Minute on The Minute(EMOM). This is a concept made popular CrossFit but it can be applied to any exercises and is my favorite way to do calisthenics.
EMOM means that you begin your next set every time the clock strikes the minute mark, no matter when you finished your last set. Meaning your rest period will vary but you will drop and do your next set of pushups every time you see :00 at the end of the clock. Here is an example:
So it’s exactly what it sounds like, you do a set every minute on the minute. Your rest period will vary. Even if you only have 5 seconds of a break, get down and do the next set anyway 5 seconds later. Chances are you won’t do as many and have a longer rest the next period. As you go further into the workout your rest periods will increase because you will tire quicker which helps.
With this method, you can do 600 pushups in an hour if you just do 10 pushups per minute. This makes it much easier to get to 1,000 in a quicker fashion. You will also be surprised at your progression as the days go by. You will find that you do more pushups per set, cutting your time shorter.
Do Them Right
When doing the push ups there are a few rules you want to follow.
Positioning: when it comes to positioning, do what feels comfortable but the norm is usually about a shoulder-width apart, however you can bring them in closer or further if you like.
Full-extension/Don't Touch the Floor: When doing them make sure on your way up you're extending and when going down, your knees, chest, or torso are not resting on the floor.
Palms Flat: Unless you’re doing your pushups on your knuckles, make sure your palms are flat on the floor so that you are engaging more muscles. This will make it harder to get to 1,000 but do wonders for muscles building purposes. When you put your palms down on the ground, you will feel them try to adjust to engage all your strong muscles, makes sure you press them flat against the floor, and engage all muscles.
A Few Must Do’s
Track each set cumulatively - You can either add them at the end or add them as you go. Here is how I did it for each workout:
What you will see here is each set, the number of pushups done for that set, and then the cumulative amount of pushups, so totaling up each set as I go. This will allow you to see your progress per set and set minimums for yourself. It will make you compete against yourself for a better time and more volume.
Push yourself - you absolutely have to push yourself beyond yesterday's limits. On a daily basis. I tried to beat what I do per set, the time I completed the total push up amount, and increase the total push up amount itself. Make sure you are getting as close to maxing out in each set as you can.
The Pushup Work Out...Simplified
Turn your stopwatch on and drop down and do a set. Your first set should start at 0 because that is where the stopwatch starts. Then once the stopwatch hit 1 minute, you drop down and do your next set, even if you finished your last set at 55 seconds. Once the clock hit two minutes, you drop down and do your third set.
You get the gist. You’ll basically be doing pushups EMOM until you can go no more or run out of time. Just make sure you beat yesterday’s count each time.
It’ll Be Tougher Mentally Than it is Physically
Make sure you don’t let your mind fool you into stopping. It starts off fun but doing set after set, day after day, can get grueling. Always remember it’s not the motivation you need but discipline. Stick with the routine and keep pushing beyond the limit each day even if it’s just one more set or one more push up, make sure you increase daily. Don’t give yourself an excuse to stop, if you did an amount one day, it means your body is capable of it. You should not find yourself going below previous plateaus, if you are, you’re intentionally slacking and letting your mind take over. Run your mind, don't let it run you.
The Benefits of 1,000 Pushups a Day
Here are some of the benefits of doing a large volume of pushups on a daily basis :
You Will Build Muscle
We'll dispel some myths shortly, but anyone who thinks 1,000 pushups a day won't build your muscle is crazy. You will absolutely put on muscle no matter your body type. Even if you’re really thin you will start to see definition and if you’re on the hefty side you will feel your body start to harden. No, it's not the same as weightlifting, but it still will help you build muscle.
It's Cardio AND Strength Training
Because you’re doing an insane amount of pushups in a short time, you will feel your heart and lungs pumping. It’s definitely a cardio workout that will help you get in better shape and it builds stamina for both the lungs and the muscles. On top of that, the further into your sets you get, it goes from feeling like light calisthenics to a powerlifting workout. You will definitely build strength in your muscles, tendons, and joints associated with the pushups. Remember your muscles don't know the number of reps, sets or the type of workout you're doing, they only know the strain that is being put on them, no matter the method.
Time Efficient - 1,000 Pushups in Less Than an Hour
If you do it in EMOM fashion and max out every set, you will run through an insane amount of pushups pretty fast. My personal best was 1,000 pushups in 25 minutes. That is a helluva workout to accomplish in less than 30 minutes time. Even if you’re doing 500 in 30 minutes, you will be in great shape if you keep consistent, for just 30 minutes a day.
Can Be Part of Any Regimen
This definitely doesn't have to be a stand-alone workout. It can be part of any regimen whether you’re a fighter, lifter, or just trying to stay fit. Including this in your daily routine will help you stay in shape, stay strong, and explosives.
Badass Certification
Last but not least, it absolutely gives you a badass certification. Once you get over 500 pushups you're tough as nails. Once you get into the 1,000 push up club, you’re a certified badass. Like these guys:
The Myths Surrounding Body Weight Exercises
There are many bro scientists on the web that will tell you calisthenics won't do anything for you and you’re better off lifting weights. Most of these guys have actually never implemented calisthenics in their routine, and if they have, not nearly for as long as they have been weight lifting. Nothing against weights, but those who don't do it say it doesn't work, and those who do, say it works wonders.
Myth #1: It won't Build Muscle, Just Endurance
This couldn't be further from the truth. If you’re not cutting corners and doing the push up right, you will absolutely be able to build muscle. Yes, you can do it every day as well. This goes against common knowledge and you will see guys on forums giving you advice that they have read from other guys on forums that have read it somewhere else. No one is out there actually testing and experiment on these things. This works! Try it for 30 days and see for yourself.
Myth #2: It Wont Make You Strong
This is another one that is absolutely false. Maybe bench pressing will get you to a higher bench quicker than doing push ups, that doesn't mean pushup won't make you strong. While push ups do help you bench more, you will also be gaining much more than just bench strength. It gives you quick and explosive power that is good for athletic purposes. Mike Tyson was a strong fella and he did nothing but bodyweight exercise. Manny Pacquiao was able to bench 300 lbs never having touched weights in his life. This is all strength that came from calisthenics. Personally what I found when I did 1,000 pushups a day is that my punching power increased dramatically, without any effect on speed.
Myth #3: You’re Overtraining
A lot of bodybuilders say that training every day is overtraining the muscle. While that may be true purely for aesthetic purposes, it isn't actually true for this, especially if you gradually increase the amount. Bodyweight exercises can be done daily and you will find your body adapting over time. You can see many calisthenics experts attest to this. Hannibal for King, who trains 7 days a week was asked if he ever rests and his answer was priceless: “I do rest, I sleep everyday...I eat...”
Myth #4: You Won't Look Good Just Get Stronger
This is another one that comes from the weightlifter mentality. Don't get me wrong if you want to MAXIMIZE your aesthetic progress, then doing a split muscle-building regimen is your best bet. Weight lifting will definitely give your muscles a more isolated look. Push Ups will make your upper body bigger in all places but it will look more connected. Think Arnold Schwarzenegger vs Mike Tyson. Tyson was big, but he didn't have the isolation in his muscles that Arnold did. Doing this routine will absolutely make you look, feel, and perform better.
Don’t Take My Word for It
There have been plenty of guys who have done this successfully. My favorite book on the subject was written by Bronson, one of the saddest men on the planet and most feared prisoners of all time. He talks about his pushup routine and how he developed strength.
Here is his book:
And if you haven't seen his movie, I highly recommend it.
Go for it
Now that you know how to do it, why to do it and what will happen when you do it, the only thing left is to do it. Give it a shot over a 30 day period and see how you feel. I was able to see a difference in just twenty days.
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I’m 37 years old I’m 247 lbs I’m over weight. My goal is to get to 200lbs.
Hey Charlie,
Do it!!! That’s a great goal. What I’d recommend, is cut bread and sugar from your diet, pick an exercise regimen and stick to it. This workout is definitely one way to do it, because it has both resistance and a cardio factor played into it.
Just don’t get addicted to the scale! Remember on your journey to your goal, you will probably pack on a bit of muscle, so pay attention to the results in the mirror slightly more than you pay attention to the number on the scale.
Best of luck of to you, keep us updated on your progress!
How often should I rest ?
I personally would do it every day unless I felt something tweaking. Listen to your body, if you feel like you’re burning out then take a day to yourself.
I’ve been training similar to this. Only question is, if I want to add Chin ups/inverted rows and dips, how many reps?
I would just follow the same EMOM method listed here and just pick the number of sets you want it to be.
Hey brawler are these pushups diamond style or regular or wide? Thanks
Whatever you prefer!
I’ve been wrestling and boxing since I was a kid. The go to strength training workouts were push-ups, pull-ups, climbing rope and sit-ups. Graduated to weights only in high school and through college. Still hit the gym regularly until 6 Jun 2018. Decided to push 1,000 day. I structured it like this: push 5 days/week and if I attained the set number of push-ups each of the five days in under 45 minutes I’d increase it 100 the next week. Started at 500 a day in under 45 minutes. That was the hardest to attain. Once at 500 I zoomed to 1,000, going up 200, 100 then 200. It’s easy because it’s fun but at the same time it’s tough because it kicks your ass and no matter how long you’ve been able to push 1,000/day you’re still going to be leaking like a sieve. I usually do between 1200-1500 day now. Still do free weight squats. Squatting with free weights is the single greatest exercise and a must for any athlete who wants to be there absolute best. When I do 1200-1500 push-ups, heavy free weight squats and pull-ups I feel like I put in a solid day at the office. I go to the gym, hit my 1200-1500 Monday through Friday, free weight squats MWF, pull-ups Tuesday and weighted pull-ups Thursday. After I’m done pushing, the guys that bounce 500 lbs off their chest look at me like I got five heads. Chicks dig it because they know you’re real and can maintain the 1.618 Adonis ratio without doing all the inefficient exercises that usually lead to serious injury. I’m always sore, but I’m also always motivated to push. Best change up I’ve made to my workout regimen. Like my Rat year at VMI: PUSH!
Hell YEAH!
That’s what I’m talking about RC, that’s a beast workout. I have been doing something similar except I still use the weights for shoulder press from time to time and love to focus on my neck after every workout.
Thank you for the comment, it will definitely help readers realize that this is not only a possible, but effective workout.
Thanks for the article. It keeps me motivated to continue I just started last week so I am at 120. I am working diligently to get the 1000. within 30 minutes. Then I can celebrate for a bit and get the t-shirt. I was at 230 with a “innertube” around my waist. I have lost 15 lbs., mainly due to low to no carb Ketogenic diet with Intermittent Fasting. My fasting period is 16-18 hrs and my eating window is 6-8 hrs. I usually do my pushups in a fasted state and then eat a few hours later.
I am also incorporating bodyweight squats for explosiveness.
thanks again BrawlBros.!! ;):)
Hey Scott,
That’s incredible man, congrats on your progress! Diet is definitely a huge part of aesthetics.
As far as the 1,000, you will get there! Those are exactly the numbers I started with. Just try to beat yourself by a little bit daily and it’ll happen faster than you think. I’m doing squats daily as well, 5 to 10 sets usually, can’t leave the legs out of it.
You’re welcome and best of luck, let me know when you hit the 1,000!
Hey Brawler and Brawl Bros.:
Today is Labor Day 2018 and I hit the 300 mark today. I was a little slow on my time, 16:22, but I am working on that one. It won’t be long until I hit the 1000 and then I can get my t-shirt!! Many kindest thanks to you and your website for the inspiration!!!
Hey Scott!
You’re the man!!!! Thank you for being a reader, I’m glad you’re doing it! Please keep us updated and let us know how you progress, as well as what effects it’s having on overall strength and aesthetics.
Keep it up!
Hey Brawl Bros:
I have good news and bad news. I have hit the 400 mark in 18 min and 17 sec. The bad news is that I have received a minor setback via an umbilical hernia. Once I get that fixed and am cleared. I will start over and work back to the 1000 in a 30-45 min timeframe.
Thanks for keeping me motivated Brawl Bros. I will keep you updated on progress.
Hey Scott!
How is the recovery coming? Injuries always suck and slow things down. What I try to do when I’m injured is a light exercise that doesn’t stress the point of injury, which in your case might be tough to do. But best of luck on the recovery! Don’t forget to stretch and do some light motions daily!
Hey Brawl Bros:
I was cleared Tuesday by my surgeon. I am starting to push again. I am going slowly to make sure that my abdominals are up to it. It is only a matter of time before I hit the thousand.
Thanks for keeping me motivated.
Scott Burger
Hey Scott!
Awesome man, keep it up!
Hey Brawler:
I am back on the road. I did 100 in 3min and 24 sec.. I am only 900 away from doing 1000 within 30-45 minutes. Thanks for your site as it keeps me motivated.
Do your push ups everybody, don’t listen to people say its useless doing a lot of push ups, I was doing over 1500 push ups, 300 dips, 300 sit ups and 50 chin ups everyday. I was inspired by Herschel Walker who is a beast and arguably one of the greatest athletes of all time.
My PR is 1500 push ups in 30 minutes, i fast everyday and eat only one meal like Herschel Walker.
When I tried benching for the first time in 3 years I was able to do a lot more than expected and I could barbell a very decent weight.
I’d only been doing these body weight exercises for a few months until i stopped and did weights.
I was already intermediate with weights despite only doing body weight exercises for 3 months.
I also did tons of hindu squats, 500 in 12 minutes is my PR.
I’ve been a bit sick so I haven’t been able to train properly, but once I’m better I’m definitely going back to press ups etc again.
Thanks for this wonderful article
Hey Gurps,
That is absolutely beast mode, thank you for sharing that I think it definitely helps hearing other success stories.
What you said about weights is very true, many of my friends who have switched to weights after calisthenics have found their lifts went up considerably. At the end of the day, your muscles don’t know the exercise it only knows the strain you put on it and grows as a result.
do you mind sharing how much you could bench when you tried for the first time after the bodyweight only trains?
Unfortunately, I didn’t try benching close after I completed this. Only got back to weights years later.
Hey Brawler,
I don’t understand the EMOM method.
Do I do 60 sets in one hour of one minute each?
Or is it 5 sets according to your images above?
Hey Alberto!
The former is correct, if you do it for an hour you will end up doing 60 sets. However, you don’t have to do it for the entire minute, you just get down and do a set everytime the clock second-hand strikes “12” or stopwatch strikes the minute mark, i.e 1:00, 2:00, 3:00.
So let’s say you start the timer, at 1:00 you get down and do a set, say you do 25 and finish at 1:30 mark. You rest 30 seconds and get back down at the 2:00 minute mark. Do another 20, and finish at 2:25, now you will rest 35 seconds, and get back down at the 3:00 mark. Keep doing that until you can’t anymore or for as long as you see fit.
Do it every day and even if you aren’t doing 1,000, doing 10 to 20 sets a day will keep your upper body in good shape.
Let me know if that helps!
Does that seem like the easier set? Then probably not man
Hey Brawler,
Awesome article and awesome site. Im 44 and back in the day i was doing 3,000 pushups every other day and looked great for my naturally endo-mesomorphic body type. Since i read this im going to train for 1000 a day, plus squats, pullups ans situps (in lower numbers). Thanks again
3,000 is insanity, kudos to you JJ. Lets get to it!
At 50, l suffered 4 crushed lumber discs (caused by idiotic power-lifting) which meant no more running, biking and skiing. To stay fit, l set a target of 10 sets of 50 push ups per day, sets to increase by l for each passing year, to match my age. I’m now 73 and still going strong(ish) doing my 730 reps, 5 days per week. At 75, l’ll stop increasing reps, but keep the regime going as long as it is still fun. My doctor thinks l’m fit but mad. My doctor is 42, sane but obese and frowns a lot. I have a 44″ chest, a 33″ waist and smile a lot. 🙂
Great article dude, thanks for the post.
I’m currently up to a 1000 pushups per day but because I sit for prolonged periods I have split my pushups into 4 sets of 250 at a time spread out randomly throughout the day. Still 1000 per day, except on Sundays when I take a break and Saturdays I sometimes only do 500 per day.
That’s awesome! I remember I used to have the guys at the office get up at least once a day and max out some reps. Sitting is BAD, and you’re definitely doing the right thing. Keeping Beasting!
Thanks bud, much appreciated.
I’ve ramped things up this week 🙂 Started a water fast on Sunday night… today is is Wednesday so fasting now for 72 hours, will continue until Friday morning should be around 110 hours of fasting. Still doing 1000 pushups a day throughout the fasting period
I was feeling depressed so i tried to give this a shot,now i can do 500 to 80o any given day.
I want to look good and to feel the dopamine high from this.
i hope i make it!
You can make it.. Just keep pushing… literally.. Today is 8Mar2019, and I did the 1000.
Hey Brawler:
Yesterday, I hit the halfway mark to the 1000 within an hour. It was 500 in 16 m 17s. Not too bad a little over four months after hernia surgery. Thanks for your site as it keeps me motivated.
Hello Brawler
Thanks a lot for that awesome training!
I want to do it everyday 7 days a week.
I am at 802 under 48 mn.
My first goal is to do 1000 under 48mn
Then under 30mn.
Thanks again!
Thats awesome! Keep at it!
Hello guys,
I was thinking about doing something similar for a long time and then I stumbled upon this article which gave me a huge motivation. It’s still very early for me to say will I make it because I’m on my day 3 right now and I’m sore as I have never been before. Before those two days of push-ups I didn’t do any workouts for about six months. Im combining bodyweight squats and push-ups so my day one was 100 of each and today i did 115 of those. When I get to 500 of push-ups I will incorporate pull-ups and calf raises.
Thanks for inspiring info and good luck guys.
Hey Brawler:
It is t-shirt time. Thank God and your website for getting me there. I did it. I got the 1000 today in 35 min 18 sec. Your website was a great inspiration to me. Even after having hernia surgery. With enough hard work, you can get to 1000 pushups in less than one hour.
Once again many thanks !!
What happens if you can perform pushups for longer than the 1 minute, say 1:11. I assume rest until 2:00 and repeat again?
Hey Brawler I started getting into push ups at the beginning of my freshman year at college and started at 200 a day max. I progressed to about 330 and realized it would be a tad hard until I decided to do the push ups in increments like what you’re doing except backwards by starting at 28, do the same amount of sit ups, and then do 27 until I reached zero. Currently I start at 40 ( 830 total) for about 42 minutes mixed with other core and plan on still increasing after seeing this 😀
That sounds tough!
Hi awesome article If doing other pushing moves Handstand push ups and dips would you count these in with total number of push ups ??? I’m at 150 reps atm
Hey Mark,
Personally, I would track those separately, they work different parts of the body at different intensities. It’d be nice to see a picture of how each improves over time.
Thanks for your reply I’ll keep you posted !
Great article and awesome comments but you should have added that with this insane amount of pushing, it needs to be balanced out with a lot of pulling (pullups/chin ups/inverted rows) to prevent muscular imbalance. That’s all. Apart from that great article and motivation. Thank you
That’s a great point. While pushups do work your back some, they definitely work the chest much more. This is more meant to get people diving into calisthenics.
Isn’t everyday a bit much usually people need rest days ? Just a bit
worried thats all
Hey Sam,
With Calisthenics your central nervous system doesn’t get taxed the same as if, for example, you were to powerlift. As far as recovery, your body will learn to adapt to recover between daily workouts after a short while.
One thing to keep in mind though is that everyone is different.
The best thing to do is to be intuitive about it and listen to your body. If you’re feeling overly taxed, outside of the regular soreness, then take a day off without feeling guilty. Same goes for feeling any oncoming injuries or inflammation.
The best guide I ever read
Thanks for it
I have a question I weigh 55 a guy of 28 years and am also skinny,I have been doing about 100 push ups daily and I see a difference in my body,I don’t have problem doing this I will definitely give it my very best, will I get huge by doing this bcos am skinny n ve heard that Push up is a kind of cardio.
Started this program a week ago. I’m a 61 yr old guy in pretty decent shape by concentrating on dumbbells and doing push-ups. This is by far the hardest exercise I have ever done. Weights don’t even compare. Looking forward in doing this on a reg basis and seeing my max.
Awesome!!! Looking forward to the progress! Its definitely tough. I’ve been lifting more weights recently due to an elbow injury but going back to pushups as soon as it gets better. Let get to it!
Great article. Have my chart and starting this tmrw AM 0400. Will check in a few weeks from now to update the progress…keep motivating and keep working.
I’m 64 can I do this to build my upper body?
Maybe add sprinting for legs too.
Of course! It will help tremendously with shoulders, back, triceps, chest and core.
I had to take a day off after day 15 my hands the outter part of my (opposite my thumb) started hurting but im back today with gym mat ready to get it
I don’t understand how you guy do so many sets! I max out on 4 and i’m physically and mentally at my limit..or at least I feel that way.
Just gotta keep at it Taylor! Over time your body will build the stamina for it, push through as much as you can and try to beat your plateau daily, even if it’s by just one extra pushup.
Nice to know going for the four figures isn’t overdoing it.
Currently do sets of 25 throughout the day, most I’ve done is 425. Started 2 weeks ago as my knees are waving a white flag and I can no longer run and swimming regularly isn’t a viable option.
Going to go for it.
Sounds good Dave, let us know how it goes! I’m in a similar boat, running is no longer an option for me with both knees missing cartilage. I stick to boxing for my cardio now.
Still pushing mate. Doing sets of 50 now but am happy with my 500 a day 3 times a week. Feel good, stronger and the eyes I get from de ladies in the pub makes me wish I was single again!! May go for the grand in the New Year even just for a one off.
Hey brawlers, I’ve done many types of training for over 20 years now. From power lifting to body building. But old school pushups r the best. My first training regimen ever was lots of pushups. Any how my first attempt combined with arm curls was 680 in 26 minutes, then 720 followed by 1000 in 26:42 seconds alternating with arm curls.
That’s beast! Way to go man.
I’m inspired by the article and comments. I want to give this workout a try. I’m 50 years old and would love you e able to wear the 1000 pushups shirt!. I’m currently doing squats deadlifts and overhead press along with pullups. Any suggestions on how to incorporate this workout and keep my current lifting? Maybe something has to give?
Hey John,
That’s a great workout you got there. Here is what I recommend, do the pushups in between each set. You’d be surprised how many you can get in by the time the workout wraps up. If you feel like you can do more, kill it with the EMOM until you’re gassed out.
Another option is to schedule it on a different time of day.
Let me know if that helps!
Thanks for the reply. This is a great website with great and relevant articles.
Thank you John!
What a great workout. When i had the opportunity to train with Billy Robinson, he was big on calisthenics, not weightlifting. We would do the deck of cards with hindu squats and hindu dips, or just high rep sets as a warm up before you got into the ring. Took it upon myself to boost the numbers on a daily regimen of 1000 squats, 300 pushups and 200 situps every day. This high rep calisthenics put me in the best shape of my life, a place that weightlifting never pushed into. This high rep work did translate to real world strength, noticed on an “off day” and going with a friend to the weightroom. at a body weight of 180, i was repping with 355 on bench, squat and deadlift 10 plus reps. unfortunately, life moved on, i gave up the high rep work and took the lazy way out with weightlifting again. after a brain bleed while heavy deadlifting in 2016 (3 years off), i finally have the confidence to get physical again and think your 1000 pushups a day routine is the perfect prescription.
Really good article I like it.
However I have one question
Is it bad if you do pushups only, someone told me that doing only pushups every day may disfigure your body
Hey Eldin,
It’s totally fine. You can mix in some pullups and squats to work the rest of your body more, but pushups will not disfigure you. The work most of the upper body, some primary muscles like chest, triceps, and shoulders, while others are secondary, like core, back and even biceps. It’s always great to have a well-balanced workout, but if pushups are all you can do, it can do wonders for you.
I’m a cross country runner, and my secret weapons are push ups. Just started off four days ago on my journey to 1000/day. I do a timed session, as well as push ups throughout doing homework. So far I’ve done 140/ 7 minutes, 160/10 minutes, and 164/11 minutes, as well as 360 total the first day, 550 two days ago, and 500 yesterday. Push ups are so underrated, and are especially good for running because you can rest your legs and get high reps. After playing baseball my whole life, I’ve dedicated 4 months to cross country training, including doing thousands of push ups and crunches over the summer, and already have a PR of 17:00 for 3 miles (5:40 pace). Push ups are WHERE it is at. Love to see stuff like this. Another thing that is underrated is the good feeling you get from completion. It gives a new meaning to waking up, and gets you excited about life; something that is priceless. A few years ago, I couldn’t even do 100 push ups. All you have to do is do them. They work! Plus, my lifts went way up after just the summer work I did (200 to 350 pushups and crunches 4x a week).
That’s awesome man, keep it up!
Appreciate it!
Stuff like this gets me hype!
You are a super inspiration.
Appreciate you! Thank you!
I do 1000 less than 45 minutes so days and I only do a bench press on other days because I want to be good at both … What do you think?
Hey Roc, I see no issue with it as long as your body is handling it. If you feel tweaking or an injury coming, take some days off. There are examples of guys like Chef Rush who lifts and does over 2,000 pushups daily with no issues.
Thank you for your web page/blog.
I am 50 years old (RBK), 71 kilogram, 175 centimeter and today was my first pushup day workout : 0.00 to 0.30 sec = 30 pushups, 1:00 min. to 1:25 min.. = 20 pushups , 2:00 min. to 2:15 min. = 11 pushups, 3:00 min. to 3:15 min. = 12 pushups, 4:00 min. to 4: 15 min. and 4:30 min. to 4:15 min. (exception) = 15 pushups , 5 :00 min. to 5:15 min. = 9 pushups , 6 : min. to 6:15 min. = 11 pushups, 7 : min. to 7:15 min. = 11 pushups, 8 : min. to 8:15 min. = 11 pushups, 9 : min. to 9:15 min. = 11 pushups, 10 : min. to 10:15 min and 10:45 to 11 min. = 16 pushups total : 157 pushups. My goal was 150 before 10 minutes. it will tomorrow :-).
I add to that my daily routine of 35 minutes high intensity gym biking.
Could you please confirm, that I apply the workout correctly.
Thank you again.
Yes you are! Great work, keep at it!
Great article. Comprehensive, well put together, helpful. I hit 743 in 60 mins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCgDLqK2vRs
Working on raising it. That’s a great chart you put together. I have a lot of work to do to raise the number of reps in each set.
That’s awesome Frank, your form is incredible! You’re defintely strong! Keep up the good work.
Hi Brawler,
I’m a 14 year old teen, who is looking to get stronger. I’ve been working out for about 2 months, 3 times a week.
I’ve tried this workout and aimed to do 15 reps every minute for 6 minutes, aiming to do at least 90 pushups.Set 1,2 and 3 I did 15 reps, but set 4 I managed to do 10 reps and set 5 I just managed to pull of 6 reps. I figured out that I should just stick to around 50 reps in 6 minutes, what is your inference on this?
And then once I could do more than 50 reps, I would gradually increase the amount of reps I perform.
Hey Zaki,
If I were you, I would keep increasing the number of reps/sets daily. Even if it’s only by one, try to make it a progressive increase. If you did 50 today, do 51, or if you can, 60 tomorrow. and gradually increase your goal. You’ll find that you’ll be able to outpace what you thought you can do. And listen to your body! IF it starts hurting too bad, or you feel inflammation coming, take a break!
Thanks Brawler, really appreciate it👍
Hello again, i was wondering what your honest opinion would be on doing something like 20 pushups every few minutes until I reach 1000 or whatever my max is. Would it be more or less a waste of time? Would I actually get stronger? My max in one set is around 50 so 20 doesn’t do much but I do for sure start to feel it after 6-7 sets. Doing max sets like you suggested over and over is just too mentally taxing for me and i dont feel motivated enough to do it.
Hey Taylor,
That is not a waste at al. Do what works for you! Mental toughness is also something that can be trained, so if its too draining for you, start slower and work your way up.
Hi Taylor my original “work out” if you can call it that was doing 20-25 push ups per set throughout the day, I’m talking all day. Maybe do 100 before leaving the house then another 50 around my morning tea break another 100 at lunch and so on. Never enough to break a sweat but enough to do some good. Managed to do 500 a day doing this.
I now do sets of 50 and my work out again isn’t really a work out. I’ll bore you with some of the details.
I turn on my taps in the morning and drop and do 50 before the sink fills up.
Have a shave then drop for another 50.
Go downstairs and prepare my breakfast doing another 100 around the kettle boiling and tea brewing.
As I’m not pushing myself to the max (lazy boy) I’m not really sweating or putting a lot of pressure on my stomach so doing another 50 after breakfast and showering isn’t a problem. So doing 300 before leaving the house sets me up for the day. I do the same around my lunch and when I finish work. I’ve plenty time in the evening to do more which I may do in the New Year to get the magical 1000.
can doing 100 pushups a day really get you ripped even regular pushups
It can but once it gets easy you have to keep adding either reps or harder variations.
Hello, Thank you for this article, Push ups and bodyweight squats are my only workout to be honest. I like following the great gama routine except I Don’t do as many reps gama did of course. I do weighted push ups actually and I keep the rep range at 300. But I also would like to try this 1000 routine. What are your thoughts on weighted push ups?
Hey, I’m a little confused about the timeframe that the 1000 pushups are done in. I’m assuming you aren’t doing all 1000 in one set so my question is how many sets are you doing or splitting the 1000 into? And how long are the rests between each set? I quit weight training mostly this month to try calisthenics and I found your pushup plan but I’ve been trying to do two sets of burnouts with 2 minute rests and I feel I’m not getting the workout I should be getting. I’m not sore and I’m not sure if it’s because I haven’t worked my way up to higher reps of if I should be doing pushups several times in one day and not just all at once. Any help helps! I’m a Junior in high school looking to put on more gains. Thank you!
Hey Chase,
sorry for the late reply.
You do it in as many sets as you can, every minute on the minute. Meaning you only rest until the second-hand strikes 12, then go again.
Hey I just read this article and I’ll give it a shot. Because why not? When I first started working out when I was 14, I did 1,001 pushups and 1,001 sit-ups in one night. I was sore as hell the next days, but kept pushing through it and halved it to 500 then to 250 then to 120.
I’ve been doing nothing but calisthenics dispersed with weightlifting and recently got back into calisthenics with new things I’ve learned.
Bruce Lee used to do fingertip pushups, I’ve been doing them and have gotten insane forearm definition. I mix that with knuckleups and doing 100 knuckleups on the concrete makes me feel sore and extremely tight in my chest, arms, back, and core for three days straight.
I’m 19 going on 20. My goal is to go from 16” arms to 18” arms.
I know 16” isn’t small, but I feel small when I compare myself to a lot of these bodybuilders who have stupidly huge arms.
I‘m going to start doing this workout because I want to get physically stronger and put on more muscle.
I’m going to spice it up though, I’ll do half of it as knuckleups and the other half as fingertip pushups. Even though I have to be careful cause I might break a finger, it’s worth it.
After all, no pain no gain.
On a side note, I’ve been doing boxing with my buddy but I’d like to switch to MMA. Is MMA easy to switch to for sparring and is it really fun? I love fighting because I feel alive when I fight.
I need to buy me something like a banana tree so I can harden my shins and my forearm bones.
As a 5-time world record holder in push-ups, I can only recommend this article to everyone.
In the last seven years, I have done 2.1 million push-ups. Recorded with a pulse chest strap.
On average, I achieved over 1500 push-ups per day in 2013 and 2014.
A perfect month was always my goal. That was 2000 per day 60000 per month.
The numbers are your motivator. I’ll work out with the watch 1000 pushups in 24min 20sec has always been my speed.
2000 marks in 50 minutes.
30 repetitions every 45 seconds.
There are photos on the Internet of what happens to the body.
Every day is a fight down on your knees and go. After 600 you start to sweat.
I am proud to be the only person on the planet who has achieved world records for minutes and hours.
Today I am 61 years old and in the shape of my life. Already last year I reached the Diamond Pushup with 95 in one minute. Unfortunately disqualified because of slight swinging of the hip.
2020 I get the Diamond in one minute from my Friend sorry and the one hour world record on the knuckle again Goal 2200
Never give up believing in yourself. Start small with sets read the article reresd and reread everything is true.
I am Swiss 183cm tall 77Kilo and born 1958.
Your Roman Dossenbach
Dreams never die
Hey Roman,
Thank you for the story and the cosign!
yo brawler do you get a six PAC if you do 1,000 press ups daily
It will definitely strengthen your core but if you want a six pack you have to watch WHAT you eat and HOW MUCH of it you eat. You can check. my article on losing 30 pounds in 3 months for some diet tips.
This will help you burn fat and work your core, but I still recommend throwing in at least some leg raises to hit your abs more directly for better definition when you do lose the weight.
I am 53 now and have let myself go without exercise for a long time. Due to this coronavirus I have gotten back into bodyweight exercises. Mainly planks and push ups.
BUT….I am sad to say I can only do 150 pushups within an HOUR! Depressing.
What sort of push up training regimen do you recommend for me to eventually get to 1000 reps within a few minutes!? LOL…..seems impossible.
I could probably do 1000 reps if I HAD ALL DAY TO DO THEM!!! 🙂
Thank you
This blog is the best I could find on the net for Pushuos.
I would be happy if I could bring even more athletes to this training.
When I started with old school pushups, I had to create my own training methods, that was in December 2012, at the age of 54. I was experimenting with 40 repetitions every 75 seconds and soon realized that my muscles were getting sore. After some time, I had shot myself up to 30 to 35 repetitions. Doing pushups like this is an incredibly effective cardio workout. Since February 2013 I have been recording every session with a heart rate belt. Seeing the peaks after 1200 pushups for about 30 minutes, getting flatter and flatter is a drive. My resting heart rate today is between 38 and 42, thanks to years of intensive training.
I always start my sets with a long warm-up repetition of 100 to 120 repetitions, then a 1 minute 10 break and only then the 30 to 35 repetitions every 45 to 50 seconds.
For the Guinness world record, the elbows may be turned out. The rule requires a flexion of 90 degrees and stretched at the top.
In training, I vary with close stance and applied elbows, which requires more strength.
There are no false push-ups as long as they are performed correctly. Use a mirror to check, you don’t have to keep your chest down to the floor, use a small pillow as a stop for your chest.
Put on sturdy shoes, they can also be hiking boots, so you can spare your toes and be more on your toes. I have worn out 5 pairs already.
If your wrist is stitching, use gloves with a wrist strap.
If it pinches be careful, I have always continued to do what is not really recommendable, but I have now after 7 years and over 2 million push-ups no joint problem, that only to the all-clear.
My training differs depending on the world record I am attacking.
– minutes world record
Here I train more on tight push-ups with long repetitions to build up strength and longer breaks for recovery. Only once a week I do 2000 to 2500 repetitions in a training.
Since the speed is very high, 2 repetitions per second, the posture is crucial. During the 60 seconds I have to be warned again and again not to swing, to stay stiff like a board, that is my biggest enemy. I had already broken the minute record on the Knuckles three times. But it took me more than 7 attempts, exactly because of the swing.
My best world record was 101 repetitions in 59.84 seconds. Live on stage in Vienna in front of 2000 spectators. March 25, 2017.
– Hours World Record
This is the top tier. Classically I held the record with 2392 repetitions November 29, 2016. see also guinness book of Worldrecords 2018 Page 77.
Here I don’t vary a lot, but strictly follow the Guinness World Record rules.
So exposed elbows, 90 degrees and my mirror and my wall clock in front of me.
Start with about 100 push-ups then 30 every 40 to 45 seconds, depending on how I feel. First important measuring point is 14 minutes 20, there must be at least 600. With a good training I reach 1450 repetitions after 30 minutes.
Tip: grab a wall clock, put it in front of you and keep to your interval. You have to take a small object, put it on the clock face where you start the next sentence.
In the blog are good tips for training already described. Read it and reraed it.
At my world record I had 20 repetitions every 30 seconds choosen. But after 55 minutes I broke in and had to fight extremely. Because a record attempt is never a training, it is much harder.
Oh yes, I had also created a new world record for men.
On my knuckles one hour. That was crazy, my ankles were in tatters afterwards but I made it on August 27th 2017 with 1796
This year I will take back this world record with 2200 repetitions. This time with inner boxing gloves with silicone inserts…
And the Diamond Pushups in one minute from my friend Alexander Suner from Mexico 86. Sorry Alexander but this Record will be my Number 6. Smile.
You see I have to fight as well and not every training is fun. You will only be successful if you can answer this question for yourself. Successful means, you bite through and don’t give up, no matter if your friends laugh at you or your wife is annoyed.
How strong is your MOTIVATION?
Your Roman Dossenbach
Yesterday I just randomly decided to try and do 1000 pullups. I didn’t get it, but I got 500 pullups in 2 hours, doing 100 sets of 5 reps. (My maximum is usually 12). It was fun so I decided to do 1000 pushups today (50 sets of 20 reps). It took 90 minutes, after I was googling 1000 pushups and found this awesome article! Can’t believe people do 1000 every day and in such quick times! So that is my new goal – do 30 minutes of pushups everyday and see how many i can do with that EMOM technique. Great to learn about that, I probably could have done the pushups within an hour if I knew that trick so I am hoping that will help to eventually get 1000 in 30 mins. After the pushups I decided to try 1000 lunges and did 10 sets of 100 walking lunges – so 500 per leg. Planning to do 1000 resistance band over head presses tomorrow + 1000 lying leg raises.
Going forward I am thinking of keeping legs weighted, squats etc (once corona is gone and I can return to the gym!) and then doing an upper day that is 30 mins EMOM pullups, then 30 mins EMOM pushups followed by Barbell Over Head Press. Thoughts? I am really curious to see the changes it will have on my body. I am quite big/bulky and have trained hard over the years primarily lifting weights, but I’d rather have a more lean physique.
So awesome to find this article! I am feeling super inspired and motivated now despite my country (New Zealand) being on lock down and thus no gym – that was making me sad. But now I am excited about this idea of 1000+ pushups daily.
Thanks again,
Thats the perfect ting to do during this coronavirus time. You’re a beast! Keep it up man.
Wow, I was inspired before but this guy! I’m a kiwi too. Let’s get it on boiee
I just stumbled upon this article.
Happy to see it’s active in the comments.
Starting tomorrow.
Got my COVID-19 self isolation goal, Hahah…
Awesome advice thanks so much! One question – for each set (every minute) is it as many push-ups as possible in one go from the start of that minute or, for example, do 10 in the first 20secs, take a few secs mini-break go again etc? Thanks!
I found your article and really enjoyed it. 21 days ago, I did 10 sets of 5 reps per set as a starter. I’ve always worked out and doing these nearly every morning I built up to 32 sets of 21 reps per set…672. My goal is 1000 and using the EMOM method I’m on my way. I’m almost 58 years old and my friends think I’m crazy!!
ive been doing a semi similar workout for a while on habit, its 1000 crunches, 500 pushups, 150 handstand pushups, and 2 minutes of one handed handstands on each hand. then 4 sets of 8 free weight squats (on monday and thursday) or 3 sets of 50 wide grip unweighted pullups (tues Wednesday and friday). followed by while im not super jacked i always the most interesting looks at the gym. normally a mix of wtf and concern
doubt ill ever hit 1000 pushups in under 30 minutes but i really want to hit the thousand pushup mark regardless of time so i may cut out the handstand stuff for a few weeks and see how far i can get.
That’s a monster workout I bet you’re stronger than your peers.
If you’re doing that daily then you can definitely hit 1,000 in 30, just a matter of getting that body conditioned over time. You have the strength, just have to add a bit of muscle stamina and structure with the EMOM method. You’ll hit it quicker than I did no doubt about it.
Hey this is really motivating, I’ve just started today with a goal of 150. Got 180 from 5 sets in 5min…. 1min sets yeah.
So what happens when we start being able to continually work out for over a minute or even two? How does the emom work after that..
Thank you Ben, glad you enjoyed it.
If you run over a minute, you just start on the next one minute mark. So if you start at 0:00, and stop your set at 1:25, just start again at 2:00. Same if you go two minutes over.
Yip, great… just thought maybe that was cheating somehow. Thanks
Yesterday, I did hit my goal and did 1008 pushups in 36 sets of 28/set. I followed that by doing it again today. I needed to show myself that this was not a one time thing. I will be 58 this month and love this challenge
Beast!!!!!! Keep at it! 58 is nothing but a number.
Hi always been into weights, powerlifting and now retired and 53 with no gym due to covid 19 I came across your site and thought why not
give it a go. Its taken more than 30 days admittedly with the odd rest day but today 14.05.2020 I managed 1028 push ups in 29.16 minutes using the EMOM method. You certainly feel it last 4-5 minutes !!!
Noticed the strength increases almost daily and the amount I improved each day was quite an eye opener. Totally against the way I normally train with heavy weights low reps. Certainly noticed shoulders and pecs have pumped and changed in size and shape.
Going to keep this up if only to maintain and for 30 minutes a day its worth it.
Need to set different goals now say closer hand spacing, slower reps etc.
Thats Awesome Warren!
Way to go man. I agree with you, you definitely do feel it at the end. It’s tough! It’s also a good cardio workout on top of everything.
i now do 1000 pushups for 40 mins in 20 sets thanks man truly no rest i eat and sleep. i am only 16 and m trying my best everyday thanks
16!!!! You’re way ahead of most of us Zane, keep it up!
I had a prior follow on question/comment that I had asked Roman.
Anything wrong with doing 1000 push ups through out the DAY…..within 16 hours during my business day??
150 push ups every 1.5 hours or so?
Is it REALLY necessary to do 1000 pushups within 20 minutes!? It seems this is just a pride thing.
Thank you
Hey Chris!
You can definitely do them as you please and split it up throughout the day. Mike Tyson actually used to do his in 3 separate workouts throughout the day. For me, it’s not so much a pride thing as it is getting my heart rate up and pushing myself to failure. If you do 1,000 pushups in one day, there’s pride to be had no matter how you did them! Let me know how it goes!
G’day from downunder, Sydney Australia.
You’ve got some great articles on your site. Love this one and the Mayweather heavy bag workout in particular.
I have now reached 1,000 pushups 3 times. It’s taking me an hour to do it but it’s getting a little easier each time. I’m doing the EMOM method, 40 sets of 17 and 20 sets of 16. At age 57 I don’t think I’m doing too bad. I still need a day in between but I’m doing another EMOM workout with pulling exercises on the off day. So far so good. I’m definitely feeling changes in my body. Once I consolidate on the 1,000 I’ll start trying to reduce the time taken.
As a little hint/tip to others trying this, I find doing it outdoors when I can makes it (slightly) easier. I go to my local park where there are usually others training/running etc. I set the timer on my phone and just start walking, then drop for the set when the timer goes off. I think having others around is a bit of a distraction from the mental challenge. I’ll probably be known as “the push up guy” soon but that’s cool. I also get a bit of a walk in as well.
Anyway, thanks for the great articles and best wishes.
Hey Greg!
Glad you like our posts, thank you for spreading the positivity and your tips! I have to try doing that, it sounds like a great hack.
Interesting article. Thanks! I am a few days shy of my 75th birthday. Yesterday was my personal best, 300 pushups in three minutes, no breaks. After my birthday next week, on which I hope to again do 300 in 180 seconds, I will try to work up to 1,000 in 30 minutes. It will be interesting to see how long that will take, but I will get there. My thinking is to do 100 in one minute, rest for one minute, etc. If that works, I will reach 1,000 in 19 minutes. I will post my progress.
Did my t shirt ship?
Hey Walter!
We’ve had some delays due to COVID with our manufacturer, but it is currently being fulfilled and should be shipped soon!
Thanks for your awesome website–I started doing the pushups during the COVID—-worked up to a personal best of 3, 666 pushups in a day.
Usually do a 1000-1300 upon waking.
Nothing, I mean nothing beats push-ups for fitness and conditioning.
Great Anaerobic cardio—I want to see how this correlates to the bench-press
Our Gyms have been closed since march like many others.
Keep up the Great Work
Thanks Brawl Bros—-Thanks Roman
Up to 1200 push-ups a day without the weight room
Push-ups really help your determination
Push-ups are great for strength /fitness
You are literally dripping with sweat and cut like a razor
This is pretty sick ngl, I’ll try this out I’ll keep you posted daily
I’m quite fit and my endurance is very good i do things till i cant anymore for example i used to run a lot and i always ran untill i couldnt walk anymore
First day 100 pushups 40 a set only took 3:40 minutes impressed smashed what i was expecting and i feel good
Awesome! Keep at it those numbers will only keep rising!
I’m set a goal 2.75 weeks ago. I started at 200 in a day and now i just finished 500 in a day. I’m defiantley tired and sore. Time to do 525 tomorrow.
Damn! 500 is no joke, definitely a huge milestone.
I am in prison and have been doing 1000 push ups a day for three weeks. this is what my meals look like. Obviously there is only so much I can do, but here it is. I weigh 240 – mostly muscle –
Three milks 9g of protein each
I slice of baloney 4oz ?protein? Please find out lets say 10g protein for now
Vegeatables 2oz
1 bag of peanuts 13g protein
1 bag of peanuts after workout 13g protein
4oz mystery meat ,chicken, beef patty, two hot dogs, mystery patty, lets say another 10g protein
2oz vegeatables
2oz salad
1 bag peanuts 13g protein (6pm)
1 bag peanuts 13g protein (8pm)
Total protein = 99g
On 2 days one week and 5 days the next week I get double portions so this would increase my diet by 20g of protein on these days.
So 119g total protein not to bad it helped to write it out.
I increased from 2 bags of peanuts a day to 4 and this is a huge increase Thank You
Let me clarify my soreness
When I flex my chest it is sore not red or hot but a good sore feeling, the same with my triceps and back.
My calves and shins are another matter, possibly because I’m jumping up and down on them with my entire body weigh. It takes at least 5 sets to get the blood pumping and basically they are numb after that. They hurt not a good way but I’m doing 1,000 a day.
I will be done with this workout next week and will do dips\crunches so it will take the strain off my lower legs, and pull ups\step ups for back and legs no more jumping for this guy for at least a month.
Please check and see what the harm is with the rice, noodles, and potatoes as it pertains to my health and if I need the carbs for my daily intake.
Damn 240 with calisthenics is huge! Thanks for this detailed breakdown. I think it’s perfect to show people that there really are no excuses when out here they have access to gyms, a variety of foods, and supplements. You’re the man Jason!
Thanks Brawlers–I was really inspired by your Article and Hershel Walker’s Routine
Man he did his workout like clockwork–1500 PUSHUPS, 3000 Sit-ups/Crunches,
Dips, Pull-ups and Wind-sprints
No Wonder he is built like Hercules…
and ran like the wind
Push-ups are the king
I’d go as far as to say calisthenics are all you need!
Years ago, I had a bicycle accident that gave me a 5th degree AC separation in my right shoulder. After rehabbing, I started doing pushups as many as I could till I collapsed, I did it every day, and eventually passed 100 and then 200 and then 300. I am and always have been skinny. Genetics has not been kind in that area, but bulk is not necessary. I am now nearing 75 and have not done increasing numbers for years, but now, I do 2 sets of 150 and then 2 sets of 100. It helps to keep a log. I have done over 1400 consecutive days of 100 or more. Yes the log is an incentive to not break the streak. Especially when my back goes out or I have some kind of upper respiratory illness. Since 2013, I have kept track and now have passed 1.4 million. Age and genetics may be limiting factors, but they are no reason to give up.
Never quit exercising!
Insane! Great story Bill!
I’ve come to your page when I started searching up what is possible, realistic. I started looking because I’m achieving more than I expected, with no end in sight. I’ve started in an easier fashion that could help your readers too. I was motivated to set an example for my son, who is studying all day and night.
He is an ex gymnast, and many hours per week dancer, the lack of balance in his lifestyle concerns me. I’m a Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award type of lifestyle (look it up).
He is very focused on entering medical school. Our discussions are based on minimal time, micro habits, motivation and starting early. I started showing a way with one pushup. I could do more, but did one on my 54th birthday, just to set the habit as easy and achievable.
Next day two. Next day three. Always one set, on getting out of bed. I’ve long exceeded what I could have done on day one. Capability growing faster than one pushup per day
I’ve cracked once.
I tried twice more that day, midday and evening, without being able to achieve one more in one set. The next day I was back on track. Last night I found Allan quietly doing his own exercises before bed. He is very competitive, and he found I was doing more than he could in a set when he was training as a State champion gymnast. Initial motivation met…and now seeking to have the lady in my life achieve her first pushup. Influence can come by example, and I personally expect to achieve 365 pushups a set by the end of the (personal) year.
After your page, Bill’s inspiration and other replies, and the world record of 17000 odd, I think you could be challenged to that too.
Micro habits…great way to start.
Awesome comment Sais!
A google search brought me to this page, but I’m not a fighter of any sort. I was looking at posts about high-volume pushups. The last five years I’ve worked primarily with barbells and powerlifting movements. I’m 39 and and overweight, and while strong, I would really like to slim down and have more of a lean/cut look. Enter the pushup… The last month or so I’ve been knocking out a 100 a day in different sets and variations, and I’m amazed at the possibly with them. It’s a very underestimated exercise that’s for sure. But over the next year I’ve set some pushup goals and this one just made the list. Great article. Thanks!
Thank you for the comment Chris! Get after it! Excited for your new regimen, pushups are grossly underestimated and many legends have been able to get in shape with just that. Checkout Charles Bronson, his routine was insane.
This might be a dumb question, but would I become strong enough to do pull ups after doing this for about a week or so?
It can make your upper body stronger yes, but it won’t exactly give you the ability to do more pullups. The best way to get strong enough to do pullups is to start at the top of the bar and do negatives, meaning come down slowly. You will develop the muscles to be able to pull yourself up that way. You can also do a pull down on the machine if you have access to one, it can help build up your back and biceps.
I’m on the skinnier side and I’m pushing 25 here in two days I wanted to start a healthier lifestyle and stumbled across this article, Now I want to reach the 1,000 goal for sit-ups and pushup’s but should I alternate days between them? A better question is should I focus on one until i hit the goal and work on the other while maintaining the second?
I prefer on focusing on one until I hit the number before I add things as I progress quicker that way. I’m not currently still doing 1000 a day but instead just cutting it in half. You can do it, either way, its really no harm since you’re playing the long game which is what you want to do. If I were you I’d get to 1,000 pushups, then cut it down to 500 a day for maintenance, and add in the situps. But there are really no rules to it, EOD works just as well.
What are your thoughts on doing pushups every other day, instead of daily? I still intend to hit a 1000 pushups but any time I try to do high volume and daily I start getting overuse injuries. If I try and push through it then I’m out of commission for a week trying to recoup. Maybe it’s getting older or maybe being overweight versus someone a lot lighter I don’t know. I really like the high volume but every other day seems easier on the body.
That would work just fine, especially if you’re injury-prone or feel an injury coming, definitely rest! This is a long game, you want to focus on sustainability. For example, I’m no longer doing the 1,000 a day but instead cut the reps down so I can do all my other exercises.
Still have not been back to the gym,
and frankly I do not miss it
I think push-ups, pull-ups,chin-ups , dips, and cardio is all you need.
Hooked for life..
Thanks Brawl Bros for reigniting the flame..
Happy to do it! I feel the same way actually.
hey brawler
i have been doing push ups for almost 2 months right now, and the results i see are definitely huge!
i am now doing a 1000 push ups daily but i am wondering if should stay doing them or if i should i do a 500 and add pullups too
I personally don’t maintain this year round although I’m now climbing my way back to 1,000 more steadily and looking to try and maintain it. I did exactly what you’re saying, once I got to 1,000, I scaled back and added all the other exercises, keeping it all EMOM.
I’m super excited to try this workout, but I swim competitively, and have to practice every day. Would this help with that at all, and how would it be possible to continue swimming and also do this at the same time. Also, thanks for the article, it was just the motivation I needed to try this!
I’ve never swum competitively but it will definitely help with muscle endurance which I imagine is of great benefit for swimmers, as well as explosiveness. Is it possible? Only one way to find out!
hey man, i been training in the callisthenic regimen and i only started about 5 months ago and needless to say. i saw this person attempt 1000 pushups in a day. so i said to myself. if he could do 1000 pushups a day. i could do 2000 pushups
. its been hard but i have the dedication required and now i could do it easily and its also super fun
I did 1000 today after reading your article. Wasn’t sure I could do it.
I’m 53.
Thank you
Best guide ever.
Thanks for it.
I am skinny can I get huge with it,I weigh 55lbs and m 28 years.
Thanks man!
Hi Brawler!
I am a 17 year old boy and i haven’t felt good with my body for a long time. I am on the heavier side and i just feel insecure about my body. 2 weeks ago was the day that i felt things needed to change. So i am taking your challenge! I made a schedule to do some excersices daily, i am taking slow steps but i am getting there! At the moment i do 100 pushups, 100 situps, 150sec of leg raises, 150 sec of plank and running 4 miles daily. I am increasing these numbers daily. I just want to thank for the inspiration you gave me! I hopefully will get to the 1000 pushup mark somewhere in februari. Thanks man!
Do it man! Let us know how it goes!
Thank you for this interesting article . I weigh 170 and I do 1000 push-ups every day .Gyms are closed in my country because of Covid. Do you thing I will be able to bench more than 225 when I return?
Keep up the good work
It’s possible. Manny Pacqiou can bench up to 300 pounds and he never lifted any weights, so it does build strength.
Brawlers, after nearly a year way from the Gym, I went in and benched , and I would say I had 90% of my strength since I last went’
thanks to your great column, push-ups are almost second nature.
I have rededicated myself back to my cardio routine, but the pushups with minimal rest IS GREAT CARDIO.
Let’s go…..Year two of the push-up challenge..
Thats awesome! Great news man I think that feedback will help people who doubt it.
I am currently 14, and ill tell you my story. As a kid, i used to be so skinny, my siblings called me a skeleton. this was when i was like 8. and then in the years to come, i got fat. well, not fat, but i gained weight. i wasn’t overweight though. but I know for sure that the weight i gained was fat, not muscle. now, in quarantine, i have gained even more weight, as my parents don’t even let me go outside. So i started doing HIIT workouts at home. that kinda made sure i didn’t gain more weight. throughout my life, I know I have always had muscle. I would always beat people in arm wrestles, and just be stronger. It’s just that the muscle was covered by fat. anyway, i wasn’t satisfied with the results, so I started to do push ups around a couple of weeks ago. I don’t do them all at once as you and others do. I just do around 10-15 at once, and do it randomly multiple times a day. So on average that add ups to 100 push ups a day. I can see that my upper body has toned up a bit, and that i have gained muscle. what is your tips on being able to do more push ups at once?
thank you, Roeen
Hi Brawler!
I am currently 37, a 1.78cm and 89kg guy. I do this push-ups challenge. I usually do push-up within 3 years but not target this 1000 push-up less than 1 hour like this before. Now I’m at 300 push-up per day (randomly within a day around 30 ~ 45 push-up per set) and I plan start do EMOM as soon as possible. Hope this challenge help me lose 10 or more in the next few months.
Thank you,
Good work Simon!
Hello, I came here because before COViD I had a good workout routine now i can’t even do one pushup I have a rare genetic mutation that if I don’t stay fit my muscles can deteriorate so I’m trying to get back to working out but the gyms are not open fully so I was doing my research and ran across this article, Tomorrow will be my first day of this program. I am very excited but I know how hard this will be I just have to remember that I need to work twice as hard so that I can keep movement in my body. I’m only 18 years old and am hoping that this routine works for me.
Crush it!
It has been over a year, and I am Happy to say you guys helped me through the COVID,
I have been to the Gym a few times, but I feel the outdoor route is the king.
Soon as you get-up your body forces you to do 500 to a thousand push-ups daily.
All different varieties of the push-up, It is great anaerobic cardio too
Wow what a fresh change-up.
You are the travelling Gym
Yessir! Exactly right.
Hey brawler, the article looked great!!
I’ve been going on and off with my push-ups and have never been to the gym. The max I’ve hit is a 200 and I’m looking to hit a 1000 in the coming month. What I’m really bothered of is the ideal time for working out these push-ups. I’m trying to wake up at 4 am and after some reading I plan on beginning my push-ups at 6 BUT ON AN EMPTY STOMACH. I’m wondering if the time will in some way affect my effectiveness with the workout. Also, considering the fact that my body is literally at rest without any movement for 10 hours straight that is (8 of sleep + 2 of reading) will it be a lot more tougher to work these push-ups out since my body will try resisting work (heavy work)?
In a nutshell Will doing say 1000 push-ups as early as 6 am in the morning and on an empty stomach affect my gains?
I’m 6ft 3inches and weigh 190 pounds with a BMI of 22.5
Let me know soon because there’s a fire I’m waiting to unleash.
Also, this was one of the very few articles that CONNECTED WITH ME on bodybuilding. Kudos for that!!
Hey man, doing them in the morning won’t be a problem at all. In fact, when I did this, i did it fasted at 5 am! Good luck and let me know how it goes! Just make sure to eat good after.